Monday, September 7, 2009

interpreter of maladies, aidez-moi

I feel a little bit sad every day, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Something is weighing, pressing on my heart, but I don't know what it is.

Reading Interpreter of Maladies has been helping me sleep when this mysterious grief keeps me awake in the forms of terrible half-asleep dreams. Jhumpa Lahiri is so incredibly talented, her writing rich and full of color, even when she writes about sadness and loss. I must finish the last story before my books go back to the library tomorrow.


  1. hmmm...maybe I should read. Things have been iffy for me too. A lot of times I can attribute my heart ache to something specific. But, sometimes...its just...out of nowhere. I should be Hopefully, as my mother says, "this too shall pass". ay ay ay, mother, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!
