Friday, August 28, 2009

home sweet internet/microwaveless home

Just moved into my new place. It took Mabel and I all effing day (with the exception of me having work at both jobs...nice going Jen) to pack and unload the UHaul. But, our apartment is on the second story with a nice little balcony and friendly neighbors. Plus, I get my own bathroom and walk in closet. Not too shabby. Only problem is we don't have a microwave, and my instant gratification complex has taken a blow. No bowl tomato soup with my grilled cheese, and no 1min30 oatmeal. Whine whine whine.

At the moment I am sitting in a coffee shop taking a break from unpacking. We have no internet - not even a network we can steal from a neighbor! - but there is a lovely coffee place a block away with free wifi, bless them (eff you Starbucks and your $4 for 2 hours!) I need to look up a run for tomorrow morning. 5 miles, YAY. Sorry in advance, legs.

Since I'm tired of putting this off but also just plain tired, Julie & Julia gets a super short review. Two words: MUST READ. J & J snuck up on me; I had picked up a few library books and tried to read them, but I found the literature stale and boring (sorry J. Austen, but Emma is lame). I was craving something different, and Julie & Julia was a breath of fresh air. It was funny and spectacularly written. Julie Powell's voice is so evident in her writing - I love that. Her chronicle of her (mis)adventures cooking her way through Julia Child's famous French cookbook, along with surviving marriage and a shitty little apartment in New York, is at times hilarious, at others heart-wrenching. Overall, simply a joy to read. (Side note about the movie: couldn't have cast it better.)

I wish I could do the book more justice, but my bed is calling. Tomorrow's goals: not pass out from a 5 mile run (my first, yikes), find a microwave.

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